Sunday, August 26, 2007

Let's Bring Justice To What Some Bad Prosecutors Do

I started my blog Barbara's Journey Toward Justice 225 days ago. Who would have thought I would have close to 13,000 guests. I do have a guestbook, but I understand that most people do not have the time to sign it. Yesterday was different, it was an honor and privilege to have Bob Bennett take the time to view and sign my guestbook. I am sure he is a very busy man, but, not busy enough. He wants exposure of Federal and State Prosecutors who do wrong! Also, to help curb unjust prosecutions and deter future prosecutorial misconduct.
Let's help him out. First by visiting his website. You may also visit my Guestbook to view his entry. While you are there please take the time to sign it.

The BLF and the "Bad Prosecutor Blog" website (visit:

Bad Prosecutors
Welcome! This Blog is published by the Bennett Law Firm with Sherri Katz and Bob Bennett being principal contributors. For over thirty years, the firm has been involved in criminal, civil, and administrative investigations. Both Sherri Katz and Bob Bennett have served in the United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Texas. They consider themselves to be "good" prosecutors with experience in both state district attorneys offices and federal prosecutors with the United States Attorney's Office. When we see bad prosecutors or prosecutors engaged in bad acts, we see a need to speak out and let the world know of our protestations and anger. Maybe you feel the same? If so, we hope you will share with us and others what bad prosecutors and bad prosecutorial acts the world needs to know about. Thru notoriety, recusals, and even disbarments, we hope to bring to justice to what some bad prosecutors do.

If you would like to obtain a copy of the BLF's "Ten Worst Prosecutors"
Article, please visit

To contact BLF Attorney Bob Bennett, visit: or email

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